Build a great video website with no limits.
This forth series of our videos cms precedes Zubee Tube, phpVibe v1 & v2.
The basic idea behind phpVibe has changed, our video script it’s no longer a “YouTube api search engine” but a complete multi-source video cms.
Install, import videos, add videos, like, share, tweet, plus one, and you’ll see it working in your favor since day one.
Owning a video website just got simpler than ever.
It has been a great run for video websites in 2011 and 2012 and we have released phpVibe v3, an upgrade to the v2 cms which changes the game in your favor.
Now you can build your video site easy with this php video script supporting Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion,,, and more videos sources.
Just paste the link, add some video data (most pre-suggested via apis) and you have a new video on your video portal.
No more spent money on bandwidth & space. Embeds works just as good as real videos!
Make money from ads, make videos viral via Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, or simply use it as a complementary marketing tool.